Klasha News

    June 30, 2022

    TechBuild: A Quick Look at African Startups Fundraising in June 2022

    The month of June saw 42 African startups raise $152.8 million, this was a decline from May which saw 38 startups raise $255.2 million.

    North Africa produced 11 startups, 5 startups raised funding from the Southern region, East Africa had 10 while the West African region saw 16 startups secure funding.

    Out of the 41 startups, 7 startups announced undisclosed amounts, with one raising a bridge funding. Ghanaian healthtech, Fido raising $30m, making it the biggest disclosed funding for African Startups in June 2022.

    Nigeria, Egypt and South Africa continue to dominate their respective region. Fintech (11) raised the most funding.

    Read more here.

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